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- PXE netboot @linux:debian_install
- need to serve the pxe boot files from there. For debian, you can use: * an unpacked netboot.tar.gz http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz - it includes the pxelinux.cfg directory and debian-installer files. * a debian live cd: you can m
- LXC @linux:virtualization
- ===== ===== Installation ===== * https://wiki.debian.org/LXC ===== Networking ===== Options: * Cre... xc-container-to-an-ip-alias?rq=1 * https://wiki.debian.org/LXC/SimpleBridge * http://wiki.libvirt.org/... work.ipv4 = * https://wiki.debian.org/LXC/SimpleBridge \\ ==== Nat Bridge via li... rver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com lxc-create -n debian8 -B btrfs -t debian -- -r jessie --keyserver hkp
- Saltstack @linux
- get authentication errors with older versions **debian:** wget -4 -O - https://repo.saltstack.com/apt/debian/8/amd64/latest/SALTSTACK-GPG-KEY.pub | apt-key add - **add to /etc/apt/sources.list:** **debian 8 - jessie:** deb http://repo.saltstack.com/apt/debian/8/amd64/latest jessie main **debian 9 - stretch:
- Redmine Project Mgmt @communitycloud:services
- rg/projects/redmine/wiki/HowTo_Install_Redmine_on_Debian_Wheezy_Testing_with_MySQL_and_Apache2-Passenger|redmine.org/...HowTo_Install_Redmine_on_Debian_Wheezywith_MySQL_and_Apache2-Passenger]] === Upgrade === * debian stable version is veeery ooold (oh really?) **us... ckports!** Add this line deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main to yo
- Debian Server Install @linux
- ====== Debian Server Install ====== \\ **basic server packages:** apt-get install rsyslog ipset iptab... rades ====== This is a good manual for upgrading debian: https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/release-notes/ch-upgrading.de.html ===== Wheezy -> Jessie... kports-Repo**: printf "%s\n" "deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian buster-backports main contrib non-free
- System Config @linux
- ====== System Config ====== Debian & Ubuntu style ===== APT / dpkg ===== get installed packages: dp... Apt Redirect MITM Bug 01.2019 ==== https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=768073 **Workaround:** Sources List: deb http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian-security stable/updates main contrib non-free 'Secure' Update: apt -o Acquire::http::AllowR
- Debian inside @android_-_os
- ====== Debian inside ====== howto install debian inside android - not a changeroot(!) and rund crypto LUKS fs, openvpn, LXDE, etc. ===== Debian Kit for Android ===== Sven Ola coded an app, which automates the process of installing debian to android: http://sven-ola.dyndns.org/repo/debia
- Bootloader @linux:filesystems
- ces: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/5297/debian-grub2-moving-root-partition-to-new-drive \\ ===... oot/kernel26.img boot This is required to boot debian - unfortunately the filenames contain versionnumb... 000000 microseconds. ... Fix: Outside chroot /debian/: mkdir /debian/run/udev mount --bind /run/udev /debian/run/udev mount --bind /run/udev /mnt/run/u
- PHP @linux:webserver
- ocs/websites/apache/install-php-fpm-and-apache-on-debian-8 * http://www.dimitri.eu/php-fpm-apache-split-... t not considered completly stable. Setup is easy, debian packages are available somewhere. in nginx vhost... ==== PHP5-FPM and PHP7.0 parallel Setup ===== On debian jessie this works very well. Just install all php... nfigured.. good luck :) ===== Install PHP 7.4 in Debian Buster / SURY REPO ===== php7.4-fpm needs system
- BananaPi M3 @linux:machines
- ====== BananaPi M3 ====== ===== Debian Install ===== At the moment, this is the latest image: http://fo... is a Howto: https://www.sendner.net/banana-pi-m3-debian-image-zu-stretch-rc5-updaten/ ===== BugFixes ==... No Boot after Upgrade === Do NOT use this image: Debian-8-jessie-mate-gpu-bpi-m3-sd-emmc.img 2016-5-16 -
- Password Manager @linux
- eed the very latest version, just install it from debian or ubuntu repositories: apt-get install keepass2 **The debian packages are missing some dependencies to run plu... 4-only You could download the .deb from packages.debian.org / sid, but it's easy to run into version conf
- Printer @hardware
- o apt install cups hplip HP says: **hplip** in debian repos is fine Black print works perfect, color p... HP!** - install and press "resume printer" in webiface \\ tested on: debian wheezy + XP 32bit - 04.2012
- Security @linux
- 2ban-client status ===== apparmor ===== Fix for debian bug: Failed to start LSB: AppArmor initialization... stall apparmor apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils more info: * https://wiki.debian.org/AppArmor/HowToUse
- Etherpad Live Editor @communitycloud:services
- on for groups of users.."// === Installation on debian squeeze === * **howto**, approved 5.2.2012 :: ... all nodejs and npm** (node package manager) * debian squeeze doesnt have nodejs and npm :( * inst