Fulltext results:
- Courier @linux:emailserver
- eak about putting the cert first: cat myserver.example.com.key myserver.example.com.crt [intermediate.crt] > myserver.example.com.pem TLS_CERTFILE=/etc/courier/cert.... openssl s_client -starttls imap -connect myserver.example.com:143 https://www.sslchecker.com/sslchecker SM
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- links. These are quick links to other Wikis. For example this is a link to Wikipedia's page about Wikis: [... inks. These are quick links to other Wikis. For example this is a link to Wikipedia's page about Wikis: [... t formats for maximum browser compatibility. For example consider this embedded mp4 video: {{video.mp4|... the video and be either a jpg or png file. In the example above a ''video.jpg'' file would work. ===== Lis
- Email-Server @linux
- tions to mailserver: === **port 25:** telnet example.com 25 Trying Connected to example.com. Escape character is '^]'. 220 example.com ESMTP ehlo testing ... you should receive s... t sending mail: === mail -s "Hello world" info@example.com then enter body + 2x Ctrl+D echo "This w
- Crypto @linux:filesystems
- "Whirlpool" can be used as hashing algo Another example using twofish: cryptsetup luksFormat --cipher t... cal_Volume_Manager_%28Linux%29#Common_uses]] for example: you can combine two RAID arrays to appear as one... k http://linuxgazette.net/140/pfeiffer.html for a example scripts.. ---- \\ **Add a disc:** increase nu
- vsFTPd @linux:network
- t: lftp -u username -e 'set ftp:ssl-force true' example.com selfsigned cert: lftp -u username -e 'set... force true' -e 'set ssl:verify-certificate false' example.com ===== Check cert ===== openssl s_client -connect example.com:ftp -starttls ftp -showcerts
- PXE netboot @linux:debian_install
- ves the boot images. ===== dnsmasq config ===== Example config: dhcp-range=, 2 to see, what is going on. Complete pressed.cfg example: {{:linux:debian_install:preseed_demo.txt|}} =... get /tmp/postinst.sh Complete postinstall script example: {{:linux:debian_install:postinst_demo.txt|}}
- Nextcloud @communitycloud:services
- true loolconfig set storage.wopi.host nextcloud.example.com loolconfig set-admin-password systemctl s... tps:// <...> /loleaflet/dist/admin/admin.html * Example nginx conf: https://help.nextcloud.com/t/nginx-co
- Synergy @linux:network
- BLAYOUT -option XKBOPTIONS # german keyboard example: setxkbmap de -option grp:alt_shift_toggle # apple keyboard example: setxkbmap de -option lv3:ralt_switch,compose:r
- btrfs @linux:filesystems
- e device was full: btrfs filesystem show for example: here only 2.67TiB are *really* used, but because... e missing one) you may need to add a new one. For example if you have a raid1 layout with two device, and a
- LXC @linux:virtualization
- o another scope. so root uid 0 becomes 100000 for example. inside the container this is not visible, but fr
- SSH @linux:network
- restrict the key to (very) specific commands. For example one specific rsync: in the rsync commandline add
- Replication @linux:databases:mysql
- ze = 100M # binlog_do_db = example,... # you may set specifc dbs for replication, l
- BananaPi M3 @linux:machines
- /bananapi/bpi-m3/linux uEnv.txt**: There are some Example "bootargs" lines. Use one of those or append some
- VPN @linux:network
- -linux/]] Proxy it via nginx to get httpS. Nginx Example Config: map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade
- dirvish @linux:backup
- bank/vault/* | grep -v dirvish | xargs du -smch Example Output: 61G /bank/vault/20160103-2344 9.1