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- btrfs @linux:filesystems
- ===== optimize ===== COW is not good for small files like database files: disable it for a directory: chattr -R +C /var/lib/mysql check: lsattr /var/... df /home/ see, if the device was full: btrfs filesystem show for example: here only 2.67TiB are *r... lins.org/perso/btrfs/post_2014-05-04_Fixing-Btrfs-Filesystem-Full-Problems.html ===== btrfs RAID =====
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- mple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This page contains... ning the syntax for links and [[#images_and_other_files|images]] (see below) like this: [[http://php.n... ted in link names. The whole [[#images_and_other_files|image]] and [[#links|link]] syntax is supported (... ou can make a horizontal line: ---- ===== Media Files ===== You can include external and internal [[do
- Crypto @linux:filesystems
- nd install bootlaoder from a chroot, see: [[linux:filesystems:boot|]] ---- \\ **Create the RAID array:** ... sk failure. Switch off the power and reboot. Do a filesystem check. Create thousands of files and delete them. Copy loads of big ISO images. Do whatever could h... ed above, then format the opened crypto container filesystem: mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/<cryptname>
- Security @communitycloud:services
- maybe a problem with /etc/localtime trace which files are opened / closed all the time by one of the se... ysis ==== some bash lines to extract IPs from logfiles get banned messages from one jail: grep cont... install: apt-get install apparmor apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils add boot parameter: perl -pi -e... urity=apparmor",' /etc/default/grub update-grub reboot check: aa-status activate app profiles..
- Shell Commands & Oneliner @linux
- ===== **create tar.gz archiv** tar -czvf myfiles.tar.gz /home/username/myfiles/ **create tar.gz archiv of full system without ** tar cvpzf /mnt/som... ev / \\ ---- ===== compressed dump of complete filesystems ===== **backup raw data of a disc (as roo... "normalize" by id3 tag** mp3gain analyses sound files and saves an id3 volume metatag to them. many mus
- mySQL @linux:databases
- $DB > $FILE If you get "error 34 too many open files".. increase open_files_limit in /etc/mysql/my.cnf open_files_limit = 50000 Restart mysql and check to see current setting:
- dirvish @linux:backup
- ps of directories trees up to 100GB of small mail files. Usually we mirror the data from a remote server ... ory tree to find if there are other copies of the files. This can even cause database servers to hang, be... blems, but for me this worked with 100GB of small files copying to a slow internet line: rsync --progr
- RAID @linux:filesystems
- = RAID ====== **raid howto is located in [[linux:filesystems:crypto_raid|]]** ===== RAID recovery ====... update the raid config - achtung ">>" adds to the files, ">" overwrites: mdadm --examine --scan >> /etc
- LXC @linux:virtualization
- 000 /vservers/<containername>/rootfs If you copy files from outside into the container, they have wrong ... art, check if /dev /sys /proc exist * Check log files in /containerrootdir/ * Check network settings
- Image Tools @design_-_grafik
- ian & ubuntu style Jhead can batch process many files at ones. This line renames all jpg files in the current directory to their creation dates, down to the s
- Printer @hardware
- ick printer * now **windows asks for the driver files** and they are **available now from the previous ... +++ == * the windows driver contains 100s of profiles for all kind of papers * color-prints work much
- bash @coding
- traffic/ /var/www/webalizer/${i}; done **remove files, when the list of files is too long for rm:**
- Courier @linux:emailserver
- == SSL Certificates ===== ...tricky! All config files use these two variables, so I set them to the same cert files in all configs: Private Key and Cert and interme
- duplicity @linux:backup
- ug-Fixes ===== ==== restore error 'too many open files' ==== increase open file limits in /etc/security... ulimit -Hn ulimit -Sn http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-increase-the-maximum-number-of-open-files/