Lenovo X13

LTE Modem EM120R_GL

Check modem:

 mmcli -L

Check, if its unlocked:

 mbimcli -p -d /dev/wwan0mbim0 --quectel-query-radio-state

Here is a thread, how to unlock the FCC lock in the modem: https://forums.quectel.com/t/em120r-gl-for-linux/9350/4

# Download network-manager, modem-manager, etc.,...
sudo apt update
sudo apt install network-manager network-manager-gnome modemmanager libqmi-utils gcc
# Reference: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mobile-broadband/ModemManager/-/issues/402#note_1064882
mkdir ~/Downloads/lenovo/snap
cd ~/Downloads/lenovo
# Download the snap
snap download lenovo-wwan-dpr --edge
# Extract the snap files
sudo mount -t squashfs -o ro lenovo-wwan-dpr_5.snap /home/$whoami/Downloads/lenovo/snap
# Download script by Joar Wandborg
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/joar/416f37fe81558f5be0d5131018eb7f2a/raw/b6a2a83620b044efc2d13aee86910743969218de/fcc-unlock.c
# TODO: manually modify the define statements in fcc_unlock.c appropriately
#define MBIM_DEVICE_PATH "/dev/wwan0p2MBIM"
#define MBIM2SAR_SO_PATH "/home/jonfen/Downloads/lenovo/snap/usr/lib/mbim2sar.so"
# Compile the script
gcc -o fcc_unlock_v2 fcc_unlock.c
# Run the script
sudo env VERBOSE=1 ./fcc_unlock_v2 
# Enable the modem
mmcli -v --modem=0 -e
# Click "+" to setup the connection