Fulltext results:
- Crash Recovery @linux
- oot/ # boot partition to re-install grub, you need to chroot mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev mount ... nstall /dev/sdb To exit the recovery console you need to set boot mode to normal and wait 10min until "... ===== SoYouStart / OVH Root Server ===== **You need to setup your ssh key in the webmanager to enter ... already. To repair what is broken, you probably need to change root into that system: chroot /mnt
- btrfs @linux:filesystems
- t the space. Used shows the data-usage space. you need to add metadata usage. btrfs fi df /home/ se... removing a device (even the missing one) you may need to add a new one. For example if you have a raid1... his will be very slow, but might work. Maybe you need to reboot first. Try this otherwise: btrfs re
- Password Manager @linux
- way easier to setup and use. In Ubuntu you only need to add this Repo to get the latest version: https... p, the integration works very well. If you don't need the very latest version, just install it from deb... p4.0-cil mono-dmcs mono-mcs xsel xdotool IF you need the latest version, it is best to use additional
- LXC @linux:virtualization
- libvirt and IPV6 ==== **Deprecated! - if you not need DHCP, use the simple bridge method without libvir... nning containers (mysql may get inconsitent) you need to create container with option -B btrfs!! lx... gnized it * apparmor: mounts security-fs, would need to disable drop caps. bad idea * kmod * lm-se
- mySQL @linux:databases
- setup does not require all users to use ssl, you need to update your mysql.users with REQUIRE_SSL!** First generate all certs. You need to adjust days and set some hostnames (seems unim... safe in debian usually respawns it immediatly (no need for restarts by monit) watch memory usage: wa
- SSH @linux:network
- o login on a remote machine without password, you need to add the public key to the file **~/.ssh/author... xecuted - no matter what your script says!!** You need one line for each rsync command! More restrictio... ot@re.mo.te.IP in /etc/ssh/sshd_config you only need to AllowTcpForwarding: X11Forwarding no Allo
- Security @communitycloud:services
- setup all options there **to receive mail, you need to set default action to** action = %(action_m... ** **If your INPUT chain allows everything, you need to change to FORWARD chain!** Try manually, if I
- Security @linux
- , use "CHAIN = FORWARD" * to activate mail, you need to set the default action to: "action = %(action_... * If you have redirected ports via iptables, you need to block both, like port = 3306,33306 * [my
- Firefox Sync @communitycloud:services
- rver_20110626_mysqlJSON.tar.gz code]] \\ **You need:** * firefox >= 4 on multiple boxes * webserv... ' is your password for the FIRST computer * you need to "add device" in **Edit-> Preferences-> Sync**
- PHP @linux:webserver
- if a phpfpm "www" pool process is running You need to edit your vhosts to use the new pool. Replace ... a new one in: /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/ You only need to adjust the socket line, to point to /var/run/p
- Printer @hardware
- et default options and administrate it. \\ \\ You need a user for the admin pages. It's enough to add yo... printer from Linux clients over network, you just need **the URL of the printer**. There are various pro
- Replication @linux:databases:mysql
- mance is as slow as the slowest node!! all writes need to be confirmed, because of syncronous replicatio... ries. During that time Write queries are blocked. Need to test, if the import works with binlog postion
- Bootloader @linux:filesystems
- UUIDs in fstab** of the new system. \\ The UUIDs need to be replaced by the new UUIDs in **/mnt/newsys/... ** RAID ** if you changed your raid setup, you need to update initramfs: dpkg-reconfigure mdadm m
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- not supported. ===== No Formatting ===== If you need to display text exactly like it is typed (without... or ''%%<php>%%'' tags. (Use uppercase tags if you need to enclose block level elements.) HTML example:
- PXE netboot @linux:debian_install
- etwork. Just switch the bios to PXE netboot. You need dnsmasq, it includes a tftpd server, which serves... d ===== dnsmasq includes a tftp server, you just need to serve the pxe boot files from there. For debia