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- SSH @linux:network
- /run/ssh_tunnel1.sock -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes root@re.mo.te.IP in /etc/ssh/sshd_config you only ne... l: apt-get install sshfs Mount: sshfs -p 222 root@server:/path/ /mnt/server -o allow_other -o recon... n user passwd user set permissions, **chown to root**: chown root:root /var/www/ # basedir must belong to root chmod 0755 /var/www/ chown root:root
- mySQL @linux:databases
- ance Tuning | ... ---- == Installation == Set root passwd, remove test db and anoympous users and remove root remote login /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installatio... mail: mysqlcheck -A -r --host=${HOST} --user=root --port=3308 \ --password=${PASSWD} | mail -s ... Expected 20, found 16." run: mysql_upgrade -u root --password=PASSWD If you receive this error: "T
- LXC @linux:virtualization
- ic ips:** first set mcedit as default editor in /root/.bashrc: export EDITOR='mcedit' virsh net-ed... l -p **iptables config ( is pubilc ip in root):** iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -d 1.... lso check Permissions and Ownership. chown to the root ID inside the container. \\ ===== brtfs snapshot... olume list /home/vservers # for unprivileged root container, check UID and GID of rootfs dir (here
- Bootloader @linux:filesystems
- titions and transfer the data anyway you like (as root user): 1. **rsync** needs params and data must ... the new disc - \\ unfortunately a complete change-root environment is required to fool grub-install: **... dev, proc, sys** via "bind"-option **into the new root / chroot**: mount -o bind /dev /mnt/newsys/dev ... one /mnt/newsys/sys **Enter** the new (virtual) root system: chroot /mnt/newsys/ Now inside this f
- Crash Recovery @linux
- ====== Crash Recovery ====== ===== Strato Root Server ===== Login to Remote-Console first, so you can... ess up the system log in to recovery via ssh root@IP # recovery root passwd is shown in "Serverdata" mount /dev/md127 /mnt/ # system partition ... ws: Installation finished ===== SoYouStart / OVH Root Server ===== **You need to setup your ssh key in
- Courier @linux:emailserver
- : Private Key and Cert and intermediate-cert and root-cert(s) combined in one file. The order is unclea... pam remove an address from spam - must be run as root in root's folder: * copy auto-whitelist to /root/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist * spamassassin --remove-addr
- Monitoring @communitycloud:services
- un/ssh_tunnel_xs.sock -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes root@ this tunnels munin port 4949 on the no... el: ssh -S /var/run/ssh_tunnel_xs.sock -O exit root@ SSH tunnel init script to autostart on... autossh -M 4951 -N -R 4949:localhost:4950 -p22 root@ \\ edit **/etc/munin/munin.conf** t... ver_name _; server_name_in_redirect off; root /home/local; # nginx_status configuration,
- OpenWRT @communitycloud:freifunk
- h** for **/bin/bash** in the line starting with **root:** echo ". $HOME/.bashrc" > /root/.bash_profile put your custom .bashrc in **/root/.bashrc** ==== SSH publickey authentication ==== ... the router's /tmp/ dir: scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@<router IP>:/tmp log in to the router and move t
- duplicity @linux:backup
- ers written in python. often used for backups of (root) servers to FTP spaces in the datacentre. .... ... n file limits in /etc/security/limits.conf add: root soft nofile 4096 root hard nofile 8192 re-login an
- S7edge @android_-_os
- ====== S7edge ====== ===== Root ===== Rooting works without problems with the default firmware from 04.2016. After a SElinux update from ~23.05.2016 root is LOST. Re-flashing Super-SU or an updated CF-au... with the default bootloader it is possible to re-root the device with the latest CF-autoroot :-D Make
- Multiboot Stick @linux:filesystems
- linux (debian/ubuntu/.. running grub2) * become root (su / sudo -i) * attach usb stick * find devi... b to stick: grub-install --force --no-floppy --root-directory=/mnt/usb /dev/sdX * edit grub.cfg co
- Filesystems @linux
- ults 0 0 set permissions: chown root:root /swapfile chmod 0600 /swapfile turn it on: swapon /swapfile and verify: free -m moun
- BIOS Upgrade @linux:debian_install
- upgrade to the BRIDGE BIOS: flashupdt -i -u /root/dl/S1200SPO_SPL_SPS_SFUP_BIOSR03012032_ME040104054/flashupdt.cfg flashupdt -u /root/dl/S1200SPO_SPL_SPS_SFUP_BIOSR03012032_ME04010405
- Replication @linux:databases:mysql
- and import ASAP. Log into you mysql console as root for the various sql commands: mysql -u root --password=xxxx **Add a replication user on both nodes:
- Etherpad Live Editor @communitycloud:services
- * **Edit settings.json** in your Etherpad Lite root folder and change the database settings to these