Fulltext results:
- Access Point - hostapd @linux:network
- ==== Edit **/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf** **First test:** #change wlan0 to your wireless device interface=wlan0 driver=nl80211 ssid=test channel=1 Scan for wlans and check, if the SSID "test" is visible. **Complete config** Change SSID,
- Monitoring @communitycloud:services
- se setup:** munin-node-configure --suggest # test munin-node-configure --shell # install symlinks **Test a plugin:** munin-run <plugin-name> **Test Server connection:** It should reply with the same host
- Email-Server @linux
- ====== Email-Server ====== howto setup, test, spamcheck, ... === Testing connections to mailserver: =... l-tls-postfix-courier.xml http://qmail.jms1.net/test-auth.shtml http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/ssl-cer... -504-testing-port-465-smtp-ssl-solved.html === Test sending mail: === mail -s "Hello world" info@e
- Philosophie
- d why again * Howto: Find valid arguments * Test, if the premises are valid * Test, if the conclusion is valid * Check if the conclusion follow
- PHP @linux:webserver
- n_spare_servers = 20 pm.max_spare_servers = 25 Test how much RAM your site needs. This is the max, no... ttings ==== * zlib.output_compression = On # + test compression setting from 1-9 * short_tags = Off
- LXC @linux:virtualization
- ners), but this works: lxc.mount.entry = /home/test /home/vservers/stretch/rootfs/home/test none bind 0 0 Also check Permissions and Ownership. chown to t
- Saltstack @linux
- xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:.....' mine_functions: test.ping: [] grains.items: [] network.ip_addr
- Courier @linux:emailserver
- $HOME/.forward. original-receiver@example.com,test@example.com,test2@example.com ==== Slow Connections ==== Disable TCPDOPTS -noidentlookup for imap, p
- mySQL @linux:databases
- --- == Installation == Set root passwd, remove test db and anoympous users and remove root remote log
- Psychologie
- * Alfred Biene hat 1905 den ersten Intelligenz-Test für Schüler in Frankreich entwickelt * Im erste
- Docker inside LXC @linux:virtualization:lxc
- ion > 20.10.5 https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/debian/ Test: docker run hello-world Win! :)
- Replication @linux:databases:mysql
- ring that time Write queries are blocked. Need to test, if the import works with binlog postion from xtr
- Salat @food:rezepte
- lli, Paprikapulver erst nach dem Braten dazutun. Test: Mit Honig wird das FLeisch sofort schwarz. Entwe
- SSH @linux:network
- rver -vvlogasdasd.iLsf ......" ssh-rsa AAAA..... test it and then remove -v FIXME **This can be probl